Welcome to my blog! I have to be completely honest with you, this was a long time in the making. I've been procrastinating like you wouldn't believe! For one I'm about to probably break the number one rule of blogging and admit that I don't really enjoy writing. Ha! Primarily because I don't think I'm very good at it. But in saying that, I'm excited to push myself out of my comfort zone, stop playing the awful comparison game, and grow from the experience. Plus I truly believe I've got some valuable and sweet information you might just benefit from. So welcome to this sweet little world of mine, I'm glad you're here!

So why should you tune into my world?
Well, let's first get it out there that I haven't met anyone who didn't have even the tiniest bit of a sweet tooth. You can tell me all day long that you don't, but when the right thing is placed in front of you, I'm certain you'll bite. Don't worry, I won't cram it down your throat, but I do believe there is a time and place to indulge a little. You only live once, right?! I hope to share with you my tips and tricks for adding just the right kind of sugar to your next event, and highlight some pretty rad bakeries and confectioners that I've met along my journey.
Fun Facts About Me
I've been dancing since I was a little girl and I still do; I'm a member of Full Circle Dance Company located in Baltimore, MD.
I'm a mom of two sweet little girls named Emerson and Ivy and I'm pregnant with my third. Our sweet little BOY will be arriving in early December!
I'm a dog lover and at any given time at home, my sweet mini golden doodle Lincoln will be by my side. He's a ride-or-die kind of sidekick and I wouldn't have it any other way!
My husband and I are college sweethearts, is that a thing? Well if not, I'm making it one!
Every year my husband and I take an anniversary trip to a new place. We have a map in our house that we pin each new destination we've visited.
If you want to win my heart over bring me fresh flowers and chocolate-covered strawberries!
Here is a peek into my world...
Thanks for stopping by! I'm looking forward to sharing all the sweet things I like to celebrate in life with!